+386 1 600 20 42 info@r-i-k.si
We are your reliable partner in

troubleshooting and
searching solutions

for smooth operation in your production process. As a young team with more than 10 years of experience gained within the Finnish METSO Group, we have specialized in the use and selection of various products in the field of manufacturing and processing of materials used in Mines (Rudarstvu”), Industries (“Industriji”) and Quarries (“Kamnolomih”), shorter named RIK d.o.o. (LLC)


Our activity of advising and marketing the appropriate products for ensuring the optimum operation of the production process mainly focuses on the production process of extraction of mineral resources in quarries and separations. With our products and services, we are already present in all major quarries and separations on the Slovenian and Croatian market, and partly on the market of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The products are installed both in the primary part of mineral extraction (primary crushing), the secondary part (crushing, screening and conveyor transport), and in the finalization process. Most of our products are made of composite technical rubber and polyurethane of various hardness and properties. Rubber and polyurethane products can be used in all kind of bunkers, transfer points, chutes, in screening of different materials and ore, as wear product inside mills, slurry pumps, cleaning conveyor belts, etc. In the area of sizing mineral materials on the required fractions, we use screening surfaces made from rubber or polyurethane.

Wear protection products

We offer you all kind of wear protection products in different thicknesses and sizes, made from rubber, polyurethane or ceramic.

Screening media

Screening media made from rubber or polyurethane, which can be adopted to all kind of screening machines, with different hook types, thicknesses and openings.

Conveyor belts

We offer a wide range of various special conveyor belts such as elevator, vertical, aramid, tap, temperature-resistant, oil-resistant, FDA.

Conveyor components

We offer a wide program of conveyor components for conveyor belt lines such as rollers, belt cleaners, dust protection, impact bars …


We offer also mill linings for grinding mills, valve and pipe technology, slurry pumps, slurry hoses, concrete mixer liners, PU scrapers for plows, PU spirals and PU products and custom-made products from rubber.

We create new ideas.

We solve big problems.

Coffee coups


Satisfied customers

Traveled kilometers


Advising and assisting in selecting of most suitable products and key services to our end customers.
  • Regular service
  • Instalation
  • Vulcanization
  • Measurments
  • Supervising
  • Projecting

Success is based on experience and mutual trust!

S podjetjem RIK d.o.o.  smo sodelovali na dobavi ventilov METSO ki je potekala brez zastojev in težav. Končni naročnik JP Energetika je s kakovostjo dobavljene opreme zadovoljen in je naročilo ponovil tudi pri drugi fazi izvedbe rekonstrukcije vorčevodnih kotlov VK1 in VK2 z močjo 58 MW vsak tudi na rekonstrukciji vročevodega kotla 116MW kjer je podjetje RIK d.o.o. dobavljalo regulacijske ventile firme METSO – NELES dimenzije DN300 ter zaporne lopute.
G. Simon Vršič

IBE d.d.

Podjetje Montana d.o.o. in podjetje RIK d.o.o. že vrsto let sodelujeta na področju opreme  primarnega  drobljenja in sejanja nekovinskih mineralov. Naše podjetje je z opremo katero je izdobavilo podjetje RIK d.o.o. reševalo predvsem probleme pretirane obrabe valjčkov pod presipi zaradi mokrega in abrazivnega materiala. Dobavljena oprema se nanaša predvsem na komponente transportnih linij in gumijastih samočistilnih sejalnih površin. Dobro sodelovanje s podjetjem RIK d.o.o je imelo za posledico manjšo obrabo in podaljšano življensko dobo sejalno transportnih komponent. Vse navedeno pomeni, da smo v podjetju imeli manj zastojev v proizvodnji in s tem manj stroškov.

G.Darko Žibret

Montana d.o.o.

V minulem času našega sodelovanja, bi se zahvalil za vaš trud, z katerim ste se lotili naših potreb v smislu reševanja nastalega problema.
Zmeraj sem se lahko obrnil na vas in v kratkem času dobil vaše mnenje za rešitev nastalega problema.
Želim si da še naprej sodelujemo.
Želim še naprej uspešno delo.

G.Himzo Ibrčić

Nikotrans & Begrad d.o.o.


If you have any questions or want detailed information about our services, offers, … please contact us.

Z nadaljno uporabo te strani se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov. Več informacij

Spletna stran uporablja piškotke z namenom zagotavljanja boljše uporabniške izkušnje. Z nadaljno uporabo te spletne strani oz. s klikom na gumb "Se strinjam", se strinjate z uporabo piškotkov.
